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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The week that was

Our family achieved a few milestones this week; there were also some memories and some announcements at work.

On Tuesday my youngest son had his final exam for the year and his final school day for life. We have one more function to attend – the annual Awards Night, and he is finished. On the same day and practically at the same time, I sat my final exam for this semester. Tuesday would have been my mother’s birthday if she were alive. That same afternoon the head of our department emailed us with the details of the person who had been appointed as our new Executive Director.

On Friday our Manager resigned.

Today my eldest son graduates. I will be attending his graduation dinner together with my other two sons, my ex husband and his girlfriend. Today is also my father’s 91st birthday.

After I finished my exam on Tuesday, I picked my son up from school. There he was, sitting on the grassy bank near the street, enjoying the sun. It was the last time I would ever pick up any of my children from school again. It was the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Apart from my first day at school, and after that my first day at the different schools I attended (we moved a lot); I can’t remember my mother either taking me to school or picking me up. Perhaps she did, I just can’t remember.

I remember walking to school, I remember riding my bike to school and I remember catching the bus to school. I remember melting in the heat of summer, running through the rain and struggling through the snow. Sometimes I was with friends on my way to and from school, sometimes on my own.

I didn’t always take my boys to school or pick them up. They would often walk or catch buses or trams. Sometimes they met up with their friends before or after school, going for coffee or a kick of the football. I was often working and couldn’t do the school run as well. But the times they needed me, I was there. I think I will miss that more than anything else – being needed. And yes, I know they will still need me, but it will be in different ways. Like I said – it’s the end of an era and the beginning of the next.

In the words of Fall Out Boy – “thanks for the memories”!


  1. What a busy/intense weekend!! Good for you for recognizing the memories for what they're worth:)

  2. I was walking to school as you were telling me your story. I, too, felt the sadness when the last kid was picked up for the last time. It's these little moments which, in the end, are the most precious, I think.

  3. That is really weird when we reach these new mileposts. Good luck as you are navigating through this new time in your life.

  4. That is so poignant. I feel like these years with my girls have whooshed by. But we have to remember, the bright days to come. Now, you get to focus on you. What a wonderful gift that is.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed reading your felt like you and your boys were all embarking on a new journey. You certainly had a full week. Life just keeps on going even when we wish it would just stop for a second so we could catch our breath! So many experiences lay just ahead for your family!

  6. time goes on and the changes keep comming in our children. we taught them to move on as adults, but they will always need their parents. rose

  7. Barbaloot - it was busy! I sometimes have problems remembering things, so I treasure the memories I have.

    Ashleigh - I totally agree!

    Kazzy - It is a bit weird and it does feel like navigating without a map!

    Joann - thank you. Actually I can't wait to focus on me!

    yaya - Great comment! I just hope we have many more fabulous experiences.

    Rose - Very true.
